The opening of a new warehouse storing MILES products took place in a newly constructed 7 000 square meters complex on October 7 - 2021, an important and long-awaited event for AD Russia.
Constant increase in sales volumes (100% sales growth in 2021 over 2020) has resulted in the new warehouse launching in “Trilogy Park Tomilino” , a modern “A” Class logistic park close to Moscow city. Storage facilities meet the highest international standards, are equipped with high-tech infrastructure and provide convenient access. Warehouse operations are controlled by an automated system and video surveillance as well.
10 distribution gates allow implementing shipments promptly. A new quality control laboratory for testing products has opened in the site.
To date more than 200 pallets are shipped daily. Every hour over 3000 product-units are completed.
As a result of the new warehouse opening, improved storage and logistics processes have allowed a considerable growth of both efficiency and accuracy despite increasing and disturbing up-stream supply chain disruptions.
With the commissioning of the new logistic complex, AD Russia is increasing organizational and technological efficiency. This is a noticeable step forward in the further development of the “MILES” Brand in Russia.